Adjusting and Improving your Smile with General, Cosmetic & Specialist Dentistry

Adjusting and Improving your smile

Are you constantly thinking about your teeth and how to make them better? It is common to feel self-conscious about your smile, especially when there is so much pressure to keep your teeth white straight and have no tooth loss. Whilst we believe that every smile is beautiful, it is also vital to think about your oral health. Improving your oral health with general, cosmetic, and specialist dentistry in Selsdon automatically adjusts and improves your smile, too, so it’s a win-win!

General Dentistry in Selsdon

There are a lot of reasons to visit the dentist. Going for general dentistry checks in Selsdon can improve your smiles, such as regular cleanings and oral health education. General Dentistry in Selsdon can remove the build-up of plaque that is impossible to remove from your home. This visit to the dentist can improve your smile in just one go! Not only this but visiting the dentist can teach you about your daily teeth routine. From brushing to flossing, it is fascinating how many people may be brushing wrong or not doing these tasks at all! Visiting the dentist and learning from their recommendations can help with adjusting and improving your smile with general dentistry in Selsdon!

Cosmetic Dentistry in Selsdon

When we think about our dream smile, white teeth come to mind! Cosmetic Dentistry in Selsdon is extremely popular, with teeth whitening making your smile brighter and healthier. This professional treatment can improve your confidence and, therefore, produce a beautiful new smile along the way. We love making people feel good about how they look, and if you are struggling to love your smile, we can help! Dental veneers can protect your smile from damage using a porcelain material. These can enhance your appearance and adjust your smile to suit you!

Specialist Dentistry in Selsdon

When looking for a specialist for your dental treatment, it is essential to research how to improve your smile with this! Our specialist dentistry in Selsdon includes periodontics, dental implants and prosthetics. Periodontics is an inflammation of the gum and, if left untreated, can impact your breath smell and lead to tooth loss. We aim to prevent and cure your periodontitis before it becomes severe. Selsdon Smiles will then send you to our hygienist to keep track of your progress and consistently review your gum disease. However, if you have suffered from tooth loss, prosthetics can help you adjust and improve your smile. Many people have lost their teeth due to various reasons. Prosthetic treatment can improve speech and appearance for those in this situation while also ensuring that the dentures don’t come out when chewing or biting food comfortably. Specialist treatments can enhance your smile to make you feel confident and happy with your teeth again. 


To learn more about adjusting and improving your smile with General, Cosmetic & Specialist Dentistry, visit our treatments page! 

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