How Can I Get My Child to Brush Their Teeth?

Children Dentistry

Everyone understands the importance of having a routine when it comes to Tooth Brushing. However, we know how tricky getting your child to brush their teeth can be! This is why we have created this blog post to share some ideas for encouraging reluctant brushers to become more excited about their oral health.

Help Kids Know What to Expect

A lot of anxiety comes from not knowing what to expect and the sensory overload involved in toothbrushing. Reading books and watching videos about toothbrushing, along with going to the Dentist, can prepare your child. Talk about how the brush can ‘tickle’ your teeth, making it more fun for your children. Or even get excited about new toothpaste flavours! We advise getting younger children to chew on the toothbrush without any toothpaste on to allow them to get used to the feeling of having a toothbrush in their mouth.

Make Sure Your Kids See You Brush and Floss

Many people know or have heard of the saying, Monkey See, Monkey Do. This is because your children pick up on modelled behaviour. If you have never seen your parents floss, the likelihood is that you won’t be flossing either. Overall, if you watch your parents take good care of their teeth by brushing, flossing and going to the Dentist regularly, you will be taking great care of your oral health too.

Brush Each Other’s Teeth

Did you know, letting your child brush your teeth is an excellent way to get them excited about toothbrushing? Why not try it simultaneously? Brush your child’s teeth at the same time, mirroring each other. Distraction could be the best way to get this routine started.

Make Brushing a game

Why not turn toothbrushing into a game? Check for ‘Plaque Bugs’; having your child look in their mouth for missed plaque could get them more excited about tooth brushing.

Have a ‘Play Toothbrush’ for your Child’s Toys

Another great way to enforce toothbrushing is to get your child to brush their toy’s teeth, whether it’s a stuffed bear or dolly, be sure to talk to your child about not putting the play brush in their mouth – we don’t share toothbrushes, because we don’t want to share germs.

Give your Child Options

Why not let your child choose their toothbrush and toothpaste. This can be very exciting for them, they may pick the toothpaste based on whatever cartoon character is on the tube, but if they have had their own choice, they’re more likely to be excited about using it. If you’re struggling to find a toothpaste that your child likes, it is okay to start using just a wet brush and get them used to the brushing sensation first. Add the toothpaste when they have become more confident to brush. Additionally, electric toothbrushes are a fantastic option, and a lot of kids find them so much more fun to use than a manual brush. Many of them have built-in timers, so your child understands when toothbrushing is done.

Sing a Toothbrushing Song

Another great idea is singing a Toothbrushing song; this can make their bedtime routine a lot more fun. It should not only help your child to brush their teeth, but it will also pass the time.

Use the Dentists as a Backup

Sometimes parents need extra backup. We recommend saying things like ‘Remember what the Dentist said, we’ve been missing this spot back here and need to brush it well, so you don’t need to go back for a while! We don’t want toothaches and problems.’ However, be careful not to scare your child or visit the Dentist as a punishment. Keep everything positive!

We hope you have found this blog helpful, and it’s made your nighttime routine for yourself and your child easier when it comes to brushing their teeth. Additionally, if you need to book a dentist appointment and live in Selsdon and the surrounding areas, contact us today and register your child!

The Best Advice for Children’s Dental Care in Selsdon

The best advice for Children's Dental Care

Clean teeth are essential for a healthy life. So, if you want your children to have excellent oral hygiene and stay clean in the future, they should start now! We’ve got The Best Advice for Children’s Dental Care in Selsdon.

Good Habits Start Early: Some people think that dental hygiene starts when your baby has teeth, but the truth is you can start cleaning their gums and any newly erupted first tooth after each feeding. You do this by wiping or brushing with water-soaked pads to gently remove any sugar residue from the area around it without damaging its surface enamel layer too much.

Brush with Care: When your baby has just started to show teeth, don’t leave them be. Brush them gently with a small soft-bristled toothbrush and a thin smear of toothpaste for best results at this age! Be careful not to put too much pressure on the gums, or you’ll irritate their delicate mouth tissues, use light brushing motions that will protect against future issues as well.

Teach Your Children: Teaching your child to brush their teeth is a skill that will be needed in life, so it’s best taught from an early age, such as three. Start by using a small amount of toothpaste and a soft-bristled brush. It’s ideal to brush them before allowing self-brushing later in life, usually around six years old, where children develop enough manual skills for this task.

Baby Bottle Tooth Decay: Baby bottle tooth decay is a problem that many new parents don’t know much about, and some may discount it since their baby teeth will eventually fall out. But if you’ve ever had a cavity or periodontal disease in your mouth, then you know how painful it can be! So the best way to prevent this pain is for both mummy’s sanity and little one’s sweet smile.

Avoid Excess Sugar: Did you know that saliva takes 30 minutes to neutralise the acidity and bacteria caused by sugars? That’s at least an hour of sugar clinging to their teeth, eating away at the enamel. If a child has snacks every hour with sugary treats, this could lead to tooth decay developing quickly!

Make Dentists Trips Part of your Routine: While babies don’t always like going to the dentist, they must see a dentist by their first birthday. This way, you can check for cavities or decay before any serious problems develop into something more complicated! It also teaches your child how tooth care is necessary early on in life which helps prevent future difficulties.

We are a dental clinic that encourages parents to bring in their child and discuss any fears they might have visiting a dentist and explore oral hygiene with the help of experts in dealing with children’s teeth! If you want more information on making it easier for your family to go through this stage of growing up together, then get in touch with us today!