Root Canals in Selsdon

Root Canals in Selsdon

If you need a trusted and experienced Root Canal Specialist in Selsdon, our experts at Selsdon Smiles offer the best treatments for Root Canals in Selsdon. Our dentists have extensive experience and a fantastic reputation for Root Canals. Sometimes, your teeth have been damaged by deep decay or have become infected or broken, so, therefore, they can only be saved by our Root Canal Specialists.

Reasons for a Root Canal Treatment

If your tooth is damaged deep down inside, it is most likely necessary for patients to get Root Canal treatment. Root Canals are also known as Endodontic treatments. If a tooth has a large cavity that reaches the pulp or if the tooth has been damaged, the pulp is left over to be exposed to bacteria. It is essential to ensure a prompt Root Canal because painful abscesses often form in your jawbone once a Root Canal has become infected. At Selsdon Smiles, we understand the immediate and effectiveness of Root Canal treatments. We’re here to help you!

You don’t need to be Worried

A lot of people worry about having Root Canals in Selsdon. However, our staff here do their best to explain why Root Canal treatments are so important, the purpose of intervention and any procedures that will be involved.

Any Root Canal treatments remove bacteria from the inside of your tooth, ensuring that the Root Canal is disinfected. This treatment isn’t as invasive as it sounds; a small hole is made through the damaged tooth into the pulp. Once we have done this, we then locate and measure the Root Canal whilst using fine instruments called files to clean them. Unfortunately, there could be post-procedure discomfort. However, this is usually negligible and short term.

Is it Painful?

Here at Selson Smiles, we are quick to reassure patients that Root Canals are not painful. We offer local anaesthesia throughout the procedure. We are here to ensure you that you will be comfortable throughout your Root Canal treatment. However, suppose you’re worried about any pain or discomfort, either before, during or after your procedure. In that case, our team of professionals are happy to help and answer any questions you may have.

Check out this review we have recently received:

“I am so happy to have found this practice. All the staff are so friendly and caring. They all take the time to get to know you and have a friendly little chat along the way, which helps when you are nervous! I am happy with my treatment and look forward to coming back!”

So why not join everyone in feeling good when it comes to visiting our dental practice. Call us today and sign up as a patient, or get booked in for an appointment today!

Preventive Care in Selsdon

Preventive Care in Selsdon

With Preventive Care in Selsdon, we ensure you keep your smile looking as healthy and bright as possible. Preventive Care is valuable to all patients of all ages. Therefore the treatment should start sooner rather than later. It is highly important that everyone keeps up with excellent oral health and how to attain it.

Carrying out Preventive Care in Selsdon for my Teeth

We can’t stress enough how important it is to have good oral health and hygiene. Not only does it make your gums and teeth feel fresh and clean, but it also presents the foundation for long-term dental health. To maintain good oral health whilst keeping your teeth and gums healthy, we advise investing in an electric toothbrush with rounded bristles; they are proven to be a lot more effective than standard toothbrushes. Therefore when purchasing one, we also recommend replacing your brush head every three to four months, especially after an illness. The main big one which everyone should know is that you should brush your teeth twice a day! Use toothpaste and fluoride. We advise flossing daily, and we also would ask you to visit your dentist regularly, ideally every six months. Following on from this, we suggest attending health check-ups and oral cancer screenings. To avoid any potential problems or nasty surprises, avoid tobacco products and excessive amounts of alcohol. By following all the above, you will not only maintain excellent oral health, but it means with regular check-ups, we can treat any potential problems in good time, enabling you and your teeth to be fit and healthy!
At Selsdon Smiles, we pride ourselves on being a leading provider of Preventive Care in Selsdon. Preventative dentistry is the best way to maintain oral health and avoid costly treatments down the road. The health of your teeth and gums is a complicated matter. Dental Care can be expensive, but it’s worth the investment because you will have healthier teeth and a better smile. We offer comprehensive dental care services to help you maintain excellent oral health. Call us today for an appointment; we’re here to help you and your journey to better oral health, which becomes lifetime advice.

Selsdon Dentistry All-On-4

Selsdon Dentistry All-On-4

Selsdon Dentistry All-On-4 is also known as ‘Smile in a Day.’ Did you know Conventional Implant Procedures usually take around six months to complete, with significant recovery time at each stage of the process? However, we here at Selsdon Smiles have changed this using modern technology with a radical development on the time frame during this procedure.

How does the Process of All-On-4 Work?

This treatment is where a fixed bridge is attached to dental implants. If there are any remaining teeth, they will be extracted on the day of Surgery, and typically 4-6 implants will be placed in the upper arch with four in the lower arch.

You will be required to have a consultation within the first step of the process. During the consultation, our dentists will examine your mouth whilst taking X-rays. Additionally, a CT scan may also be advised to ascertain your eligibility for this treatment. If you need to have any teeth extracted before your implant placement, we can do this on the same day as your implant insertion.

What if I feel Nervous about the Surgery?

Please do not worry if you are feeling nervous about the Surgery; we are here to help and, therefore, can arrange for you to have sedation on the day to help you relax during the procedure. Your implants will be placed, and an implant-retained bridge can also be fitted on the same day if requested. Allowing you to leave the practice with your new smile!

What is the Aftercare Process?

You will not leave our dentistry in the unknown. We will provide you with full aftercare, and our team will give you any advice you may need. Usually, a more permanent bridge will be fitted to the implants in 6-9 months, following the Surgery and when a proper bone integration occurs.

If you’re in need of All-On-4 dentistry in Selsdon, then Selsdon Smiles is the place for you. With our gentle, expert dentists on hand, we can ensure you a safe and reliable procedure guaranteeing you feel happy and confident about your smile when you leave our dentistry.

Composite Bonding in Selsdon and the Benefits

Composite Bonding in Selsdon

If you’re looking to repair a chipped or cracked tooth and make some changes to the shape or colour of your teeth, Composite Bonding in Selsdon is the option for you! At Selsdon Smiles, our experienced dentists carry out expert Composite Bonding for all patients in and around Selsdon. As we are a prevalent dental practice, we want to help you feel confident and improve your appearance. Contact us today for Composite Bonding in Selsdon; we can repair your smile with safe and secure treatment.

What is Composite Bonding?

Composite Bonding in Selsdon is a treatment where tooth-coloured materials can be applied to your teeth to change either the size, shape or colour of your teeth. Different to Veneers and Crowns, Composite Bonding is done in one visit.

A benefit of Composite Bonding in Selsdon is a traditional way to improve the appearance of your teeth. Involving minimal changes to your existing teeth gives you great results!

Repairs to bonding are straightforward; they don’t require any significant preparations for your teeth/tooth’s surface. You can be sure to achieve outstanding results with minimal damage to your teeth; Composite Bonding in Selsdon is now, even more so, a well known Cosmetic procedure. Here at Selsdon Smiles, we have maintained an excellent track record of happy, satisfied customers!

Composite Bonding can be used for the following reasons:

  • Increase the length of shorter teeth.
  • Repair chipped or cracked teeth.
  • Improve the overall appearance of discoloured teeth.
  • Close spaces in between your teeth.
  • Protect the surface of the tooth root when it is exposed due to receding gums.

How can Composite Bonding be done?

Composite Bonding begins with taking photos of your teeth. Once this is done, the dentist will work with you to plan out what needs to be done for achieving the best results so you can improve your tooth’s function and aesthetics. We will work with you to choose the exact shade match, which will be done by blending different shades to gain a natural match for your teeth, ensuring you get the effect you wish.

Aftercare and Risk Factors for Composite Bonding

The beauty of Composite Bonding in Selsdon is that it is the least expensive yet most conservative form of Cosmetic Dentistry. We suggest you try to avoid biting hard objects such as hard sweets and ice cubes. Also, nail-biting should be avoided for the time being after the treatment.

How Long Does Composite Bonding Last

Composite Bonding depends on several factors, such as the materials used and the patient’s care of their restored teeth. However, the best materials which we usually offer last from 10 to fifteen years.

If you need Composite Bonding, please get in touch with us today. We are here to help restore your confidence and want you to smile with beauty.

Veneers in Selsdon and The Benefits

Veneers in Selsdon
Veneers in Selsdon are quick and effective solutions for stained, chipped, misshapen or crooked teeth. A Veneer is a thin moulding, custom-made from porcelain that is bonded to your tooth’s front surface. Did you know Veneers can also be used to cover up gaps in your teeth where orthodontic treatments may not be suitable?
Veneers in Selsdon are a part of Cosmetic Dentistry. They cover the front surface of your tooth by recreating the size, shape and colour of your tooth, creating a natural look. Likewise, a precise shade of porcelain can be decided to give the right colour to improve a single discoloured tooth.

What are the Benefits of Veneers?

If you are worried about your teeth’s shape, colour, or shade, do not worry because Veneers in Selsdon provide the best natural finishes, a long-lasting cosmetic solution for all.
The colour of porcelain you choose for the Veneer can be selected to match your existing teeth or to make them appear whiter and brighter than before.
Veneers are also a lot more stain-resistant and durable than composite bonding. Likewise, if you look after them well enough, they can last for many years.
Veneers offer a gentle approach to altering your teeth as only a tiny amount of enamel has to be removed for the Veneer to fit.

How are Veneers Fitted?

To ensure a Veneer is the best treatment for you, you will be required to have a consultation with your dentist. The next step will include taking off a thin layer of your enamel so that the Veneer can be attached to your tooth easily without affecting the size of your tooth. The procedure shouldn’t cause you any pain; however, if you are worried or feel some discomfort, you can be given a local anaesthetic.

You, dentists, will then take an impression of your mouth and teeth so that a bespoke Veneer can be designed to fit your tooth perfectly.

The Veneer will be attached to your tooth and adjusted when needed before permanently being secured in place. Did you know you will need to care for your new Veneers like you would your other teeth? As mentioned previously, with the correct care, Veneers can last for years. However, if they do get damaged, they can be easily replaced.

If you would like to enquire further about Veneers and whether or not you’re suitable for them, contact Selsdon Smiles today. We’re here to help everyone feel more confident in their skin about their smile.

Active Aligners in Selsdon and How Effective They Are

Active Aligners in Selsdon

What are they?

Active Aligners in Selsdon are a modern alternative to traditional braces. These clear aligners are created through a quick and easy 3D scanning process, which means they are customised to your teeth! Designed to correct crooked teeth, gaps and rotation, your aligners are unique to your requirements. With no brackets, screws or wires, the clear aligners are shifting teeth to the optimised position.

How do they work?

We’re excited and proud to offer dental impressions through the use of 3D scanning here at Selsdon Smiles! A huge benefit of using 3D scanning for Active Aligners in Selsdon is the speed at which dental impressions can be taken. Our customers love this process because it allows them to see what their treatment plan will involve and how quickly it will happen. Within minutes, a digital scan will generate an accurate outline and dimensions on your smile; this helps explain the process you have ahead of you! At Selsdon Smiles, we are excited and proud to offer our clients this process as it offers faster treatment plans than traditional methods. Additionally, your teeth will be gorgeous and straight.

Once the scan is complete, the process of thermoforming will begin. Thermoforming is a process of heating the plastic until it becomes pliable, then stretching and moulding. The finished product cools into its desired shape for your teeth!

Our leading materials come together to provide you with the very best smile. Every dental treatment plan is unique. At the heart of every successful outcome, we have a tailored approach to your specific requirements that will be delivered by our expert staff in compliance with international standards and regulations for quality assurance.

Why choose Active Aligners in Selsdon?

If you are looking for Active Aligners in Selsdon, Selsdon Smiles is the place for you. For a modern alternative to metal braces, you will receive first-class treatment plans unique to your needs. The unnoticeable, clear braces are initially designed to be worn for 22 hours a day until the optimal alignment has been reached. These invisible braces are FDA approved and allow your confidence to thrive. Additionally, with the option to take your aligners out when eating, you are left feeling self-confident and comfortable.

To summarise, the Active Alignment system is an excellent choice for people who want to improve their smile but don’t like the idea of traditional metal braces. Our clear aligners are almost undetectable, so you can enjoy eating your favourite foods with no worries! Patients can take out their aligners during the treatment when necessary, so nothing is stopping us from doing what we love when our teeth need some attention!

Things You Should Know About Emergency Dentists In Selsdon

Emergency Dentists In Selsdon

Emergency Dentists in Selsdon provide the emergency dental service you need when you’ve broken, lost or severely damaged a tooth. Our emergency dentist will provide emergency dental care for patients who have an emergency with their teeth. If your teeth are broken, missing or displaced; if you can’t eat or speak because of pain; if there is an acute infection that needs to be addressed quickly to prevent complications, then we’re here for you and as when you may need us!

Why do patients choose Selsdon Smiles for emergency dental care?

All Emergency Dentists in Selsdon at Selsdon Smiles offer the best treatment to the patients. From toothache, broken or knocked-out teeth and more, we can help with any emergency appointment for an emergency in Selsdon; we will be able to see you as soon as possible!

If you have had a bad experience with your previous dentist, why not speak to us today? Here at our practice, it is essential that all of our clients are happy with their treatment. Due to popular demands and satisfied customers returning, we are very popular among the people living here in Selsdon. We understand how embarrassing going through life without teeth can be, so there’s no need for anyone else to do without them if they don’t have to.

When do you need an emergency dental appointment?

An emergency dentist can treat your injuries immediately after the damage has occurred or with regular care if symptoms don’t seem to go away. If the pain gets worse over time, it’s usually helpful to visit an emergency dentist as soon as possible for treatment and diagnosis. Here at Selsdon Smiles, we offer emergency appointments for everyone of any age.

Head Injury: If you have recently fallen off your bike, down the stairs or even whilst walking along the street and you’ve poorly fallen managing to break a tooth, once the doctors and nurses have checked you over, it is essential to get some emergency dental treatment to avoid any serious complications or potential infections.

Avulsed Teeth: If you have teeth that have been completely knocked out and therefore are causing excessive pain and bleeding, it is known as Avulsed Teeth. In this case, you must visit the dentist, so you don’t lose any teeth permanently.

Extruding Teeth: This can happen due to a sudden collision. However, it doesn’t fall out. It can be protruding out from its position or hanging from the thread of tissue. Although your teeth may not bleed, you can still get them back into their position.

Broken Tooth: Even if your broken tooth isn’t bleeding, it doesn’t mean you don’t need emergency dental care.

Severe Pain: Dental pain can be unbearable at times, so if you are experiencing pain within your jaw, it is advised to visit our dentistry. Although there may not be any physical symptoms associated with extruded or broken teeth, an X-ray should be performed to find out the small details so we can find a treatment plan for you.

Call us today; we are here to help you! Call 020 8159 2899. Emergency Dental Care services are open weekdays, 8 am – 6 pm. We provide emergency dental care for all ages, professional services with a smile.