How Sugar Ingredients Affect Dental Care in Selsdon

How Sugar Ingredients Affect Dental Care in Selsdon

We all know that sugar isn’t great for our oral health. How often have you heard people claim that too many sweets will rot your teeth? Probably fairly often. However, many people don’t fully understand how sugar impacts our teeth. It’s important to understand the process to prevent the damaging effects of sugar on the teeth.

Why Sugar Isn’t the Direct Cause of Tooth Decay

While there is overwhelming evidence that an overconsumption of sugar can lead to tooth decay or dental caries, sugar itself technically isn’t the main culprit. When you consume sugary foods, the bacteria found in plaque reacts with the sugar to produce lactic acid. In turn, this acid lowers the pH level of your teeth and dissolves minerals in your teeth’s enamel. Enamel is a protective coating that shields your teeth from damage. Therefore, when your enamel starts to dissolve, your teeth are left exposed and vulnerable, which can lead to the development of cavities.

Preventing the Impact of Sugar on Your Dental Health

Now that you understand how sugar ingredients affect dental care in Selsdon, there are certain steps you can take to minimise its damaging effects. The most obvious step would be to eliminate sugar from your diet, which would effectively remove the potential of tooth decay. However, it would not be sustainable or practical to cut sugar out entirely, particularly in this day and age. Therefore, it is advised to reduce your sugar intake, perhaps choosing low-sugar alternatives to your favourite foods where possible, and eating sugary snacks in moderation. It is also recommended that you reserve sugary foods for mealtimes, keeping your snacks as low in sugar as possible. When consuming sugary beverages, using a straw can be highly beneficial, as this will limit your teeth’s exposure to the sugar and acids of your drink.

Another simple but highly effective step you can take is to maintain proper and consistent oral hygiene. It’s not a bad idea to rinse your mouth out with water after consuming sugary foods in order to remove any leftover food or sugar from your teeth. Brushing your teeth at least twice a day is essential, as this will remove the damaging plaque and bacteria before they can do serious damage. When purchasing toothpaste, be sure to check it contains fluoride, as this will be most effective in cleaning your teeth. After brushing, always remember to floss, as this will remove any food caught between your teeth. If neglected, this leftover food can lead to tooth decay.

Come to Selsdon Smiles for Preventive and Restorative Dental Care

Now that you understand how sugar ingredients affect dental care in Selsdon, it’s critical that you apply the tips mentioned above to your daily life in order to avoid tooth decay and dental caries. Moreover, one of the best things you can do for your oral health is to ensure you are attending regular dental checkups. Visiting Selsdon Smiles at regular intervals will make you aware of any dental issues before they get too serious or expensive to treat. Should you need them, our dental team offers an extensive array of dental treatments suitable for any problem you might be having. Please contact Selsdon Smiles and talk to our friendly staff to book an appointment today.

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