Invisalign: What to Expect When You Begin Treatment


Invisalign is a highly effective, modern method of straightening your smile that has been growing in popularity over the past few years. Its benefits are numerous, often outweighing the perks of traditional metal braces. Here at Selsdon Smiles, we offer Invisalign treatment, perfect for anyone looking to straighten their teeth without the hassle of metal braces.

How Does the Invisalign Process Start?

If you’re interested in Invisalign treatment, it’s vital to first book a consultation with your dentist so that you can determine whether or not the treatment is suitable for your lifestyle and goals. Your dentist will go over the details of the treatment and take into consideration factors such as your medical history and your willingness to wear the treatment trays for at least 22 hours per day. They will also go over the cost of the treatment and discuss whether or not a payment plan would be beneficial for your situation.

Then What?

Once you are sure you wish to proceed, your dentist will take x-rays, impressions and photographs of your teeth, which will be sent to Invisalign technicians. These specialists will use these elements to create a 3D rendering of your teeth, which will depict their charted journey to the desired position. Using this model, the Invisalign technicians will create your custom Invisalign trays that you must wear throughout the treatment process.

What Happens Once I Get My Aligners?

These trays have been specifically created to gently push your teeth into position over the course of your treatment. You will receive several different sets of aligners that must be worn in a specific order to move your teeth in the right direction gradually. Every two weeks, you should swap your trays out for new ones. 

While Invisalign trays are certainly more convenient than traditional braces in that they are removable, you must commit to the process so that your progress remains consistent. This means keeping your aligners in for at least 22 hours per day, ideally only removing them when eating or brushing your teeth. If they aren’t worn a sufficient amount, your teeth likely won’t shift according to the plan, and your next set of aligners won’t fit.
One of the benefits of having removable aligners is that you are able to maintain greater hygiene. We strongly recommend cleaning your trays each night with a soft brush to avoid bacteria buildup. In turn, this will hopefully prevent the risk of gum disease.

What Happens After I Finish My Treatment Plan?

While your treatment plan is always devised to create the best results possible, it isn’t always feasible for your dentist to predict exactly how your teeth will move. Sometimes, a few teeth will need correcting slightly before your new smile is 100% complete. If so, you will be given refinement trays, which will tweak those last stubborn teeth into the desired position.
Once your teeth have completed their projected journey, you must wear retainers each night in order to keep them in position. You should wear retainers every night for the first few months following treatment. After this, we recommend wearing them a few times each week, as it is common for teeth to shift throughout our lives.

Visit Selsdon Smiles for Invisalign

Fancy starting your journey to the perfect smile? We can help you with that. To begin treatment or have any enquiries answered, contact Selsdon Smiles today. Your crooked teeth will soon be a distant memory!

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